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Make a Difference

Started by volunteers over 150 years ago, the YMCA remains a volunteer led and volunteer driven organization. Locally, volunteers are at the heart of every aspect of the YMCA. Policy, program, and fundraising volunteers help chart the course, steer the ship, and fuel the engine of the YMCA. 

Policy Volunteers – Board Volunteers

The GLOW YMCA is governed by an Association Board of Directors and supported by branch boards representing and advancing the YMCA’s interest across its four county service area. These Policy Volunteers are responsible for the oversight of the daily operations of the YMCA through the development and monitoring of YMCA’s policies, procedures, and Strategic Plan.

Program Volunteers

The YMCA use programs as tools to improve lives young and old through activities that engage and enrich the Spirit, Mind, and Body. YMCA program volunteers develop, direct, and support those tools serving alongside and in some cases instead of staff. Program volunteers lend their time, passion, and expertise to improve, enhance, and expand YMCA programs.

Fundraising Volunteers

In support of the YMCA’s annual Strong Communities Campaign, ongoing operations, capital projects, and the endowment fund, Fundraising Volunteers work year round on behalf of the YMCA. By far the YMCA largest volunteer category, YMCA fundraisers focus first on “friend-raising” in seeking support for the YMCA.

Volunteer Interest Form